Friday, October 16, 2009

October is breast cancer awareness month

October is breast cancer awareness month. Everywhere you look, you are reminded of the efforts going into finding a cure for and helping people deal with the effects of breast cancer. NFL players are wearing pink, stores feature displays and advertisements, and television commercials are all supporting breast cancer awareness and the search for a cure. Almost everyone knows someone who has been affected by breast cancer (have lost a friend or family member, is currently fighting the battle, or is a survivor). To do our part for breast cancer awareness, we have listed an auction with 100% of the proceeds going to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure charity. This item is a 3" tall miniature bear figurine made of crushed pecan shells. This figurine is in a praying stance, and we think maybe she is praying for a cure. Take a look at this cute little figurine at Breast-Cancer-Charity-Auction

While you are there, check out the other items in our store, Debonaire Flea Market.

Help in the fight against breast cancer by helping spread the word to everyone that early detection is the key to survival. Maybe one day soon, there will be a cure.

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